All functions |
UK Economic Data |
Extract the best model (least sse) from a list of models |
Fit Cobb-Douglas models |
Fits CES boundary models |
Fitting CES models |
Extract information from a CES formula |
Utilities for working with formulas |
Extract data associated with an object |
Extract fitting history of a model |
Create graph of historical data. |
Apply a function to leaves of a list. |
Fit LINEX models |
Quantiles from Data |
Natural coefficients of a model |
Fit parameterized linear models |
Create resampled data |
Perform resample fits for a model |
Extract CDEmodel Residuals |
Return response values from original data used to fit a model |
Fit single factor models |
Compute SSE from a model object |
Some Graphics functions |
Triangle Plots |
Tells whether a CES model is within constraints |
Compute fitted values on natural scale |